Userful’s Rest API

Easily integrate third-party tools into Userful’s Infinity Platform

The Userful API is a powerful tool that allows integration of AI, IoT, external devices, and other digital applications to Userful’s Infinity Platform.

Create Dynamic Visual Experiences

Userful is able to bring together IOT driven events, leverage business intelligence and data and content repositories to create dynamic content and dynamic visual experiences based on external software & hardware sensors

def get_session_cookie():
    post_url = api_url_base + '/api/session'
    payload = {
        'user': parameters.userful_username,
        'password': parameters.userful_password
    s = requests.session()
    response =, json=payload)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.cookies

Easy to program & integrate

Userful’s REST API is easy to program, easy to understand and easy to integrate with other APIs and systems. It allows for programming in any language that supports http protocol:

Java JavaScript Python C# etc.


Innovate with REST API

Userful’s REST API allows customers and partners to innovate and create new features. For example customers can leverage events from facial recognition, presence detection or RFID triggers to send alerts to screens, change the content or lay out on screens or a wide variety of other actions.


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